This is my worry doll video
Thursday, 21 May 2020
Hot air balloon went wrong
On landing, it would be very hard as she is up in the mid-air,
she closed her eyes so tight she could not see a thing and imagined being on the ground and
what it would be like.For once the hot air balloon ran out of gas she would have no choice but to go
down so fast. It started, it felt like her face went inside her body.
Alice couldn't help herself but scream out for help.
Eventually, she landed on a little island with one coconut tree and on that
one coconut tree there are only three coconuts. She kept on yelling help ,help, help
but no one could hear her as she is so far away.Alice stayed there for the night in the freezing cold
and said this is the worst birthday present ever and she felt like an ice block that was left in the freezer
for 2 years.
she closed her eyes so tight she could not see a thing and imagined being on the ground and
what it would be like.For once the hot air balloon ran out of gas she would have no choice but to go
down so fast. It started, it felt like her face went inside her body.
Alice couldn't help herself but scream out for help.
Eventually, she landed on a little island with one coconut tree and on that
one coconut tree there are only three coconuts. She kept on yelling help ,help, help
but no one could hear her as she is so far away.Alice stayed there for the night in the freezing cold
and said this is the worst birthday present ever and she felt like an ice block that was left in the freezer
for 2 years.
Alice woke up in the morning and she was just about to say good morning to her parents but
they were not there.Alice nearly cried so hard so she could have had some water to drink,
but she didn’t and she talked to herself like if her parents were there.
“How was your sleep last night” ?asks Alice (acting like her mum)
“Good thank you, Mum, how was you sleep? Did you sleep well in the freezing cold?”
said Alice. “Yes I did thank you for asking but it was quite cold last night wasn’t it?”
says Alice (acting like her mum). She carried on like that and she even added her dad in it at some points.
Alice was definitely missing her family back at home which made her really sad she couldn’t see them.
Night time came along and she has a coconut for tea then she went to bed and froze her butt off again.
(complication and events)
they were not there.Alice nearly cried so hard so she could have had some water to drink,
but she didn’t and she talked to herself like if her parents were there.
“How was your sleep last night” ?asks Alice (acting like her mum)
“Good thank you, Mum, how was you sleep? Did you sleep well in the freezing cold?”
said Alice. “Yes I did thank you for asking but it was quite cold last night wasn’t it?”
says Alice (acting like her mum). She carried on like that and she even added her dad in it at some points.
Alice was definitely missing her family back at home which made her really sad she couldn’t see them.
Night time came along and she has a coconut for tea then she went to bed and froze her butt off again.
(complication and events)
The next day when she woke up there was a boat, waiting for her on that boat her parents were waiting.
When she hopped on, Alice gave them a big hug and said:
“I am so glad to see you, I have missed you both so much”.
Then off they went the waves were so rough they had to stop and stay the night where they were.
The next morning they headed off again but the weather was terrible but they got through it and went
to another island a little bit closer to land. They stayed there for a bit and then left.
Eventually, they made it home. They were so glad to be home.
The first thing Alice went and did was go to her bed. (Resolution)
When she hopped on, Alice gave them a big hug and said:
“I am so glad to see you, I have missed you both so much”.
Then off they went the waves were so rough they had to stop and stay the night where they were.
The next morning they headed off again but the weather was terrible but they got through it and went
to another island a little bit closer to land. They stayed there for a bit and then left.
Eventually, they made it home. They were so glad to be home.
The first thing Alice went and did was go to her bed. (Resolution)
In conclusion, Alice decided she was never ever going on a hot air balloon again.
She said “It was the scariest time in my life.”
As for her parents, they said “ we were worried about her and it was even worse when we
found out where she was”.
found out where she was”.
Everyone agreed they are not going on a hot air balloon again.
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
I am strong
This is my strong poster that I made in class as this week we are talking about kindness and strongness and feeling so my class had to make a strong poster and used a website called
Wednesday, 13 May 2020
Protects people who are in danger and who are hurt
Often ask you questions about the situation
Listens to you and your answers
Intelligence and very brave
Caring kind and nice
Everyday they do work take appreciation to them they are really brave to do their job.
Monday, 11 May 2020
Friday, 8 May 2020
shantytown lockdown
Lock-down well it has been a adventure for me it is the first time I was not allowed to go to
school by the law and it made me a little bit sad but I was excited for a bit as well because
that meant I could do my work in bed and I didn’t have to get up but then I realised I had too
stay home and I couldn’t go and see my friends or go and hangout with them at all what made
me sad we had a night before lock-down and when we said bye to each other we all cried even
the parents cried.
school by the law and it made me a little bit sad but I was excited for a bit as well because
that meant I could do my work in bed and I didn’t have to get up but then I realised I had too
stay home and I couldn’t go and see my friends or go and hangout with them at all what made
me sad we had a night before lock-down and when we said bye to each other we all cried even
the parents cried.
Lock-down was not fun at all but I had fun with my family and it was good to spend ,
time with them and all the rest of it. I did have my ups and downs but we all do.
I cried every now again but I tried not to.
Too me the whole lock-down thing was like a roll a coaster i mean by that is that there,
was same good times and some bad times but after a while it just felt like life and we were just
going to live our lives like this forever but then it change just a little bit we got to go and see some close
family what I loved.
time with them and all the rest of it. I did have my ups and downs but we all do.
I cried every now again but I tried not to.
Too me the whole lock-down thing was like a roll a coaster i mean by that is that there,
was same good times and some bad times but after a while it just felt like life and we were just
going to live our lives like this forever but then it change just a little bit we got to go and see some close
family what I loved.
How lock-down made me do it kinda made me sad and happy sad because I can't go
and see my friends and happy because we get to stay home and do nothing apart from
school work what to me is not too bad but it is a different story to my siblings if you ask
them while we are on the topic of siblings and how they made me feel well they made me
laugh and they also made me sad at times but siblings will do that to you even when you
aren’t in lock-down but at the end of the day I love them no matter what so I am not annoyed
with them until they really do annoy me and then we get mad at each other and we don’t know
what will happen next.
and see my friends and happy because we get to stay home and do nothing apart from
school work what to me is not too bad but it is a different story to my siblings if you ask
them while we are on the topic of siblings and how they made me feel well they made me
laugh and they also made me sad at times but siblings will do that to you even when you
aren’t in lock-down but at the end of the day I love them no matter what so I am not annoyed
with them until they really do annoy me and then we get mad at each other and we don’t know
what will happen next.
What we did in guarantee first we went to the beach and I don’t think we have been to the beach
so many times in our life we also painted rocks and do we did a lot of arts and crafts and while we
were in lock-down we had to find a way to move and we moved all of our stuff to my Uncle house
and we are now in my nana's house we are loving it here because we get good cooked meals and
get a lot of bake goods what I love.
so many times in our life we also painted rocks and do we did a lot of arts and crafts and while we
were in lock-down we had to find a way to move and we moved all of our stuff to my Uncle house
and we are now in my nana's house we are loving it here because we get good cooked meals and
get a lot of bake goods what I love.
In conclusion lock-down was not that bad at all the only thing i did not like about lock-down was
not been able to go and see others or going into stores to be honest with you I miss going into
the supermarket and going into the car that was my story with lock-down I personally didn’t think
it was bad but that was just me and I know that everyone is different.
not been able to go and see others or going into stores to be honest with you I miss going into
the supermarket and going into the car that was my story with lock-down I personally didn’t think
it was bad but that was just me and I know that everyone is different.
By Lilly. age 10
Dictionary L L frOnt W nEarly Didn’t E threW H E Y ‘R E Z friEnds A L Antlantic N D
I had to make my spelling in cross word
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Monday, 4 May 2020
Allowed 32 5
Dictionary 44 8
Friends 22 4
Nearly 22 4
They’re 12 3
Atlantic 23 5
Didn’t 12 3
Front 12 3
New Zealand 43 7
Threw 11 2 This is my spelling for today and i had a lot of fun doing it
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